Few scholars are as familiar with James Dickey’s literary work as Dr. Gordon Van Ness, but even he was intimidated by his latest project.
Two athletes stand side by side. Both are fast. Both are strong. Both have devoted their lives to developing the skills necessary to succeed at their given sport.
Dr. Audrey Church, professor and coordinator of Longwood University’s graduate school librarianship program, has been elected the 2016-17 president of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL).
Abraham Lincoln’s storytelling skill would have served him well on today’s talk shows, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Doris Kearns Goodwin told Longwood University graduates Saturday (May 9).
Imagine your 17-year-old self stepping aboard a plane and leaving everything you’ve ever known a half of a world away. Your friends, family, language: all gone.
Inspired by the locks that line bridges in the French capital city, Longwood seniors this year were invited to create their own "legacy locks" to be displayed on Beale Plaza—a new Longwood tradition.
The scritch-scratch of shovels and picks may have been replaced by intermittent beeps of radar devices, but this archaeological dig is in search of one of the earliest English settlements in the New World.
The weather is warmer, and the kids are getting restless. Ask any parent or teacher, and she’ll tell you the last month of the school year is one of the hardest times to get students to focus on their studies.
This summer, the work will really begin.It has been a little more than a month since Chief Curtis Davis took over for longtime Farmville Police Chief Doug Mooney, but already the ideas are spilling over.
Statistics are everywhere–and they’re increasingly used to drive decisions around the globe.