Longwood University’s Speech, Hearing and Learning Services (SHLS) will offer free hearing and speech-language screenings Wednesday, May 21, from 8-10 a.m., 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.
At Prince Edward County Elementary School (PECES), discipline referrals are down 21 percent, and students have been energized with several new programs, including a daily TV news operation.
The first class of doctoral students to earn their degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University through classes taught by Longwood University professors will graduate May 10.
We’ve noticed a trend. Students like telling the world how great Longwood University is. To that point, here are just a few of our favorite “only @longwoodu” posts on Twitter and Instagram.
Going out always involves a lot of guesswork: Will the party at the club be bumping? Or will you wait for an hour only to find a lifeless crowd?
A Longwood University program offered in Martinsville is making dreams of a college degree come true for students who otherwise might not have been able to achieve their goal.
For nearly 30 years, Franklin Grant has played a critical role in the progress of Longwood University’s campus and in nurturing its distinctive camaraderie.
Recent surveys show that as many as one in three homebuyers are making use of a buyer-broker, who represents them in finding just the right house. But the way it works now, there is little incentive to help the buyer get the best price.
Take the quiz to find out which Longwood University icon best matches your personality!
A talk on "Why Lance Armstrong Didn’t Cheat: Sports Ethics and the Tour de France" will be given Thursday, April 17, at 7 p.m. in Longwood University’s Hiner Auditorium by a Longwood faculty member who specializes in ethics.